Activate Your Unique Energetic Blueprint for Ultimate Freedom, Flow and Fulfillment.
Step into a realm where reality bends to your will, where your consciousness crafts the life you crave. 

Whether you desire $10k months, $100k months, million dollar months, 4 hour work days, 4 hour work weeks - success and fulfillment looks different to us all.

BE ACADEMY invites you to harness the profound power of manifestation and consciousness to transform your existence., and live a life of ease and magnetism. Where your success feels light as a feather, not heavy and draining.

This is more than self-improvement—it's about becoming the master of your reality and aligning your true essence and who you were meant to BE in the world. 

You don't need another strategy to activate your next level, YOU have what you need within, you just need to activate it. 


Are you tired of forcing, pushing, and hustling your way through life, only to find yourself feeling exhausted and unfulfilled? Imagine a reality where you no longer have to battle against the current, where you can effortlessly attract what you desire by aligning with your true self. At BE ACADEMY, we understand the frustration of working tirelessly without seeing the results you crave.

You may be experiencing a deep sense of mistrust in yourself, the universe, and others, feeling anxious about your ability to create the life you desire. Waking up each day, you might feel that something essential is missing, prioritizing everyone else's needs above your own.

Of course you can hustle your way to 100k months and beyond. You can create huge financial success and be burnt out, miserable, and have all the money and none of the time to actually go on vacation and be chained to a business or job that you hate. Work with clients and companies that you loathe. And it can feel heavy, or…

You can magnetize the right clients or opportunities and have it be the lightest money that you've ever bought in AND freedom on your calendar.

Once you realize that you're not embodying the best version of yourself, nothing will stop you from trying to shift from a state of struggle to one of ease, where your consciousness becomes the magnet for your dreams and exponential wealth because of your reality. 

With BE Academy you can embrace the power of BEcoming, and step into a life where your efforts flow naturally and your desires come to fruition with ease.


At BE ACADEMY, you will transcend your fears and limitations. Imagine waking up each morning with a profound sense of purpose and clarity. Picture yourself effortlessly drawing in opportunities that align with your deepest desires and step into your next level identity and embrace exponential wealth. 

This is your invitation to:
  • Achieve Freedom & Flow: Experience a life where you prioritize what matters most to you, without being constrained by financial or time limitations.
  • Consistent and Sustainable Wealth: Move beyond the unpredictability of highs and lows, achieving steady, sustainable success that supports your long-term vision.
  • ​​Awaken to Your True Self: Peel away the layers of societal expectations and rediscover the essence of who you truly are.
  • ​Master Your Emotions: Learn to navigate your emotional landscape with grace, using it as a tool for growth rather than a barrier.
  • Manifest with Precision: Understand the deep mechanics of manifestation and use your consciousness to draw in the experiences and life you desire.
  • Magnetic Attraction: Effortlessly attract aligned and ideal opportunities that help you achieve your goals.
  • Consistent and Sustainable Growth: Move beyond the unpredictability of highs and lows, achieving steady, sustainable success that supports your long-term vision.
  • Unbounded Abundance: Create greater capacity to receive the level of abundance you desire with ease. 
  • Inner Peace and Emotional Stability: Experience a sense of calm and balance, no matter what life throws at you.
  • Empowerment Beyond Measure: Step into your power and influence your reality in ways you never thought possible.


This is journey is for YOU if you know you are destined for more. It’s for YOU, the change-maker, action-taker, the visionary, who feels the call to delve into the mysteries of your being and uncover the magnetic version of yourself that attracts all that you desire.

At BE ACADEMY, you will:
  • Unlock Hidden Potentials: Discover abilities and strengths you never knew existed within you.
  • ​Experience Radical Transformation: Witness profound shifts in your reality as you apply the principles of conscious creation and Makhosi’s signature Euphoric Evolution methodology.
  • Join a Community of Visionaries: Connect with like-minded individuals who are also on the path of awakening and manifestation.



Clients Words

From being in THE VOID to 3X-ing her company

“We were deep in our coaching relationship and Makhosi told me that I need to surrender and let go. And she helped me identify what I needed to let go of, without telling me exactly what to do. That's what I love about Makhosi, she empowers you to figure out your own answers. But if you're struggling, she's going to guide you directly to where to go. And so through our work together, I was able to surrender.

One of the goals I had when I started working with Makhosi was a million dollar launch. It had been a goal of mine for over 2 years.

But every launch we were at $600,000. We just kept getting stuck every time, no matter what we did.
Kathrin Zenkina, CEO of Manifestation Babe & Award Winning Podcast Host 
No matter what strategies we implemented, no matter how many people would sign up for our free workshop leading into the launch, it did not matter. It was like, no matter what we just kept hitting the ceiling. 600,000, 600,000, 600,000. And then after I hired Makhosi we did $1.85 million, and then $2.5 million. This was my quantum leap.”
Jennie Ward, Clinical Psychologist & Founder of The Wisdom Portal
I was able to FINALLY reduce my hours, with no fear.

“I've been working on giving myself more space for my offer to come through. This year, I've booked every second week off to see no clients at all to give myself space to work on it. I've been telling all of my clients about my reduced availability which was something that I was really scared about, but it's been going very well. I've hired a new admin, to have more admin support at the office. 

I have been working on building my conviction muscle about my high ticket offer, which Makhosi had suggested. Honestly, that has been going so well. When I first set the price, I thought it was so high, but now I feel like it's a great deal and I have so much conviction about it!
We also doubled our client KPI goals for clients booked and we grossed $72,000 last month, which was the highest grossing month, for total revenue that we've ever had”


  • LIVE Monthly Transformational Transmissions
    - In-depth live transmission hosted by Makhosi covering advanced concepts of manifestation, consciousness, and identity shaping.
    - Practical exercises and guided meditations to integrate the teachings into your daily life.
  • Weekly LIVE Q&A Sessions
    - Hosted calls with Makhosi each week, to provide personalized guidance and support.
    - Opportunities for real-time Q&A to address your specific challenges and breakthroughs.
  • Exclusive Community Access
    - Membership to a private online community of like-minded individuals on the same transformational journey.
    - Access to group discussions, peer support, and networking opportunities.
  • ​Accountability and Support
    - Weekly check-ins and identity tracker to ensure you're staying on course.
    - Quarterly goal setting and planning
  • ​Special Bonuses
    - Exclusive access to guest expert workshops, masterclasses and Members Only Pricing for Makhosi's High-Proximity spaces.
    - Early access to new programs and offerings from The Royal Shaman.
  • ​​Comprehensive Resource Library
    Receive immediate access to a curated collection of Makhosi’s most potent programs to support your journey, outlined below!


To a comprehensive resources library to support your journey. Included in your enrolment. 

Your Quantum Business

(Valued at $5,000)
This transformative 12 module course is designed to revolutionize the way you approach business and entrepreneurship. Harnessing the principles of quantum physics and cutting-edge business strategies, the program equips you with the tools to significantly enhance your business acumen and operational efficiency through the lens of Human Design and . Dive deep into modules that cover everything from energy alignment and mindset shifts to practical business applications that will scale your operations and amplify your market impact. "Your Quantum Business" is not just about achieving higher revenue—it's about elevating your entire entrepreneurial journey to unprecedented heights. 

What do they say about Your Quantum Business? 

Money Maestro

(Valued at $2,222)
This 7 module course is expertly designed to help you master the art of money management and wealth accumulation. Through "Money Maestro," you'll explore innovative financial strategies and tools that empower you to optimize your cash flows, increase your financial stability, and multiply your wealth with precision and confidence. Delve into a curriculum that covers everything from advanced budgeting techniques and investment strategies to understanding the energetic dynamics of money. Whether you're looking to overhaul your financial planning or enhance your investment portfolio, "Money Maestro" provides the insights and guidance necessary to navigate the complexities of personal and business finances with ease and expertise.

What do they say about Money Maestro?

Elite Offers

(Valued at $1,275)
Elite Offers is a 9-module transformative program designed for ambitious entrepreneurs and business owners who want to create high-value, compelling offers that attract and convert premium clients. Through a blend of strategic insights and practical guidance, this program helps participants articulate their vision, identify their ideal clients, craft irresistible offers, and deliver them effectively to achieve remarkable business growth and impact.



Dr Ashley's Breakthrough: From Despair to a $1.4 Million Opportunity

Imagine feeling like you're at the end of your rope, trapped in a life that seems devoid of meaning and joy, only to have everything change in just 48 hours. This was Dr Ashley's reality before she discovered the Royal Shaman path. "Can you make this up?" she wonders. 

She went from fearing the worst about her life and career to securing a life-changing opportunity that most would deem a dream.

With Makhosi's guidance, Ashley unlocked her full potential, leading her to a staggering $1.4 million per year contract—nearly doubling her annual revenue of $800k from last year. This wasn't just about financial gain;
Dr Ashley, Optometrist & Co-Owner The Eye Guys

it was about reclaiming her freedom, her passion for life, and the ability to enjoy her success on her terms. "Wooo! Now I can travel there one week of every month, not worry about working a second job, and have more free time."

Ashley's story is a testament to what becomes possible when you align with your super conscious self. It's about breaking free from the chains of despair and stepping into a realm of possibilities that seemed unreachable.
Heather, CEO & Owner of Social Fleur, an LA based social media and digital marketing agency. 

Heather’s Transformation: Crafting a Legacy Beyond the Gilded Cage

Before Heather found her way to Makhosi, she was a successful entrepreneur on the brink of burnout. As the founder of a highly successful social media agency in Los Angeles, Heather was working with celebrities and securing high-profile clients with ease. 

Despite her accomplishments, including building a seven-figure business, Heather felt trapped in a "gilded cage" of her own success, yearning for a business model that aligned with her values and lifestyle aspirations.

The transformation began when Heather turned to Makhosi for guidance. Makhosi helped Heather pivot
from a draining service model to a fulfilling strategic consultancy, focusing on her passion for brand strategy and storytelling. This pivotal change allowed Heather to significantly reduce her client load, focusing on deep, impactful work rather than volume.

Reflecting on her transformation, Heather shared, "Working with Makhosi was a game-changer. She didn't just help me change my business model; she helped me rediscover my passion and align my work with my true self."

Purpose and Prosperity
Impact and Income
Significance and Success
Fulfillment and Freedom
Alignment and Abundance
Love and Luxury

Purpose and Profit
Impact and Income
Significance and Success
Fulfillment and Freedom
Alignment and Abundance
Love and Luxury

Unlock the life you've always known you're destined for. Step into BE ACADEMY, where your deepest desires and highest aspirations converge. Discover your innate wisdom, harness your inner magic, and command your reality with unshakable confidence. This is your moment to transcend the ordinary, to live a life of profound fulfillment, freedom, luxury, and purpose.


We are opening only 30 spaces in the first cohort who will access the founding member price: 


USD 150


USD 600
(600 Saving)


USD 5000
(2,800 saving)
No lock-in contract. Cancel any time with 5 business days notice.

Once canceled you will not be able to rejoin the academy for a minimum of 12-months to protect the integrity of the container.


If you're feeling the call to transcend the mundane and step into your next level identity where your definition of success feels light and easeful, BE ACADEMY is your gateway. Allow your consciousness to guide you to a life where you are the architect of your destiny and YOU decide what freedom looks like to you.

Perhaps it looks like:
  • More time with your family in the morning instead of rushing off to work
  • Taking vacations where you can actually put your phone down, unless its to take pictures
  • Waking up each day excited for the day and what's to come 
  • Working with clients or for a company that light your soul on fire 
  • ​Your finances flowing steadily and abundantly at the level you desire 
  • ​Starting and ending the day with a sense of calm and centeredness, free from anxiety and stress
Take the first step on this transformative journey. Enroll in BE ACADEMY today and start crafting the reality you've always dreamed of.

Join BE ACADEMY and embody your next level identity. Be the master of your reality.


How do I know if this is the right investment for me? 
Consider this an investment in your personal and professional growth. If you're ready to transcend limitations, rewrite your destiny, and step into a life of abundance, the academy is tailor-made for you. With practical strategies to elevate your consciousness and manifest a reality that aligns with your deepest desires, the return on investment extends far beyond the material, impacting every aspect of your personal and professional well-being. Plus there is a no lock in contract. Cancel at any time with 5 business days notice.
What if I can't make every session live? 
You will have access to the replay within 24 hours of the session (usually by the end of the same day!!). Plus you will have lifetime access to all of the replays.
Is this program suitable for beginners in business, personal development and spirituality?
Absolutely! BE Academy is designed to be accessible and beneficial for individuals at all stages of their business, personal development and spiritual journey. Whether you're just beginning to explore these areas or you have years of experience, this program will provide you with practical strategies and energetic principles to create high-value, transformational offers. The course material is structured to ensure that everyone, regardless of their starting point, can achieve significant growth and success.
Will there be networking opportunities with other participants?
Yes, there will be a dedicated and private community platform for all members who have enrolled! Engage in discussions, share insights, and build connections throughout the course.
Who is BE ACADEMY for?
BE ACADEMY is for high-achieving individuals who feel a deeper calling and know they're destined for more. It's for those who are ready to transcend the ordinary, step into their true power, and manifest a life of profound fulfillment, luxury, and purpose. If you're tired of hustling, pushing, and prioritizing everyone else over yourself, BE ACADEMY will guide you to reclaim your true self and create the life you desire.
What can I expect to experience during BE ACADEMY?
During BE ACADEMY, you will delve deep into the mysteries of your being, exploring unknown territories of your mind and spirit. You'll gain the tools and insights to trust yourself, the universe, and others, shedding feelings of anxiety and self-doubt. You'll wake up each day feeling complete, aligned with your true purpose, and confident in your ability to create the reality you desire.


How do I know if this is the right investment for me? 
Consider this an investment in your personal and professional growth. If you're ready to transcend limitations, rewrite your destiny, and step into a life of abundance, the university is tailor-made for you. With practical strategies to elevate your consciousness and manifest a reality that aligns with your deepest desires, the return on investment extends far beyond the material, impacting every aspect of your personal and professional well-being. Plus there is a no lock in contract. Cancel at any time with 30 days notice.
I'm worried I won't have enough time to dedicate to the Academy. 
We understand that time is a precious commodity, especially for high achievers like you. That's why the Academy is designed to deliver maximum value on an "at your own pace" structure. Watch and consume when and wherever you like!
Is this program suitable for beginners in personal development and spirituality?
The Academy is designed for people who have prior experience in inner growth work. You do not need to be an expert. 
Will there be networking opportunities with other participants?
Yes, there will be a dedicated and private community platform for all members who subscribe to the University! Engage in discussions, share insights, and build connections throughout the event.
No lock in contract. Cancel any time with 5 business days notice.



Item Price
$150 every week
$600 every month
I confirm I have read and agree to the Terms & Conditions below
Please be aware that we do not offer refunds for any enrollments at the Royal Shaman. As a subscriber, you commit to the full payment of the fee agreed upon at the time of your purchase, irrespective of your participation level, program completion within the designated timeframe, or overall use of the resources provided.

Failure to honor the payment agreement, including disputing a scheduled payment, is considered a breach of contract and will result in immediate termination of your access to all programs. Additionally, this will lead to the forfeiture of eligibility for future participation in any programs and removal from the Royal Shaman community.
You’ve felt the pull, the deep inner knowing that you are meant for more. BE ACADEMY is the answer you’ve been searching for, a sanctuary where your dreams are not just possible, but inevitable. Imagine waking up every day with clarity, confidence, and a profound sense of purpose. This is the life that awaits you.
  • Embody Your Next-Level Identity: Transform into the person you’re destined to be, someone who effortlessly attracts all that they desire.
  • Financial and Time Freedom: Prioritize what truly matters, with the freedom to invest in your passions, family, and self-care.
  • Magnetize Ideal Opportunities: Become a beacon for dream opportunities in your life, business and career. 
  • Sustainable Success: Achieve lasting success without the stress and burnout, supported by a thriving team that complements your strengths.
This is not just a financial investment; it’s an investment in your highest potential, in the life you are destined to lead. 

By committing to BE ACADEMY, you are prioritizing your growth, your dreams, and your future. 

The return on this investment will be immeasurable, as you transform into a powerful creator of your reality.
COPYRIGHT © 2021 Makhosi The Royal Shaman | Privacy Policy | Terms & Conditions