Your Energetic & Strategic Roadmap to 6 & 7 Figure Business Success
Exclusive On-Demand Training and Resources.
Embark on a transformative journey where you align your business with your true purpose and calling, and accelerate your success through strategic, actionable insights and resources. The academy is designed to help you find clarity, cultivate a growth mindset, and implement proven strategies that propel your business forward, ensuring you achieve your goals with confidence and ease.

Imagine having access to the very tools and insights that were once reserved for The Royal Shaman's private clients, now available to you at an incredibly exciting investment level. 

This is more than just a subscription—it's your foundation for navigating a powerful pivot in your business and life.
The Align & Accelerate Academy is meticulously crafted to provide you with the energetic and strategic roadmap essential for achieving 6 and 7-figure business success. 

This comprehensive subscription integrates powerful spiritual insights with actionable business strategies, ensuring that you not only align your business with your true purpose but also accelerate its growth and impact. 

By focusing on both energetic alignment and practical implementation, the Academy empowers you to break through barriers, optimize your operations, and cultivate a mindset geared towards abundance and fulfillment.

Makhosi's unique blend of spiritual insight and practical guidance offers a compelling opportunity for anyone ready to PIVOT and realize their full potential, redefining success and abundance on their own terms.

Designed for Visionaries at the Crossroads

This subscription is ideal for those right at the beginning of their business journey or those ready to pivot toward a different path that resonates deeply with their true essence. Perhaps you're changing careers or yearning to build a business that truly reflects your values and passions.

On-Demand Training & Valuable Resources

Our on-demand training and valuable resources provide the solid foundation you need to navigate this pivotal transition. This is not just another online course; it's a comprehensive toolkit designed to empower you at every step of your journey.

Exclusive Access to Proven Strategies

Previously available only to private clients, this is your chance to access the same powerful content that has driven profound transformations for countless entrepreneurs and includes immediate access to Makhosi's most potent courses like Your Quantum Business, Money Maestro and so much more.

This Academy is not just any subscription, but a catalyst for deep, sustainable change, making it a must-have for those committed to breaking free from limitations and creating a life that truly aligns with their calling and true purpose. 

Join the Align & Accelerate community, where ongoing learning meets continuous transformation.



Elevate Your Side Hustle to a Prosperous Business
You've nurtured your side hustle, pouring your heart and soul into it. Now, imagine elevating it to a level where it not only thrives financially but aligns perfectly with your deepest values and financial goals. 

Aspire to Wealth Beyond Measure
Wealth is more than a number in your bank account—it's a mindset, an identity. Whether you dream of millions now or in the future, this Academy teaches you the mindset shifts necessary to open the doors to wealth, preparing you to manage and multiply your riches with wisdom and grace.

Live a Life of Luxury and Freedom
Envision a life where luxury is your standard: Traveling the world without a second thought about finances, owning the home of your dreams, and providing for your loved ones in ways you've only imagined. This Academy is your first step toward making this vision your reality, guiding you to live a life of abundance and joy.

Embrace Time Freedom
Imagine having the freedom in your schedule to pursue your passions, hobbies, and creative interests without guilt or the pressure to be constantly productive. Discover how to structure your life and business to enjoy the richness of life to its fullest, guilt-free.

Gain Recognition and Influence
Your work deserves to be seen and respected. Learn how to build a platform that not only brings you the recognition you deserve but also amplifies your impact, helping you to make a difference in the areas you're most passionate about.

Simplify Your Path to Success
Say goodbye to the hustle and hello to flow. In the Academy, you'll learn strategies to grow your business and personal development with ease, ensuring that your journey to success is as enjoyable as the destination.

Find Clarity and Take Action
Step into clarity with actionable insights that illuminate your path forward. With each lesson, you'll gain the tools to implement what you've learned, transforming insights into outcomes, and visions into reality.

Live Authentically and Rest Fully
Make decisions from a place of desire, not necessity. Learn to embrace authentic rest, disconnecting to recharge in a way that fuels your work and your soul. It's time to feel genuinely worthy of taking time off, knowing your empire continues to thrive.


Clients Words

From being in THE VOID to 3X-ing her company

“We were deep in our coaching relationship and Makhosi told me that I need to surrender and let go. And she helped me identify what I needed to let go of, without telling me exactly what to do. That's what I love about Makhosi, she empowers you to figure out your own answers. But if you're struggling, she's going to guide you directly to where to go. And so through our work together, I was able to surrender.

One of the goals I had when I started working with Makhosi was a million dollar launch. It had been a goal of mine for over 2 years.
Kathrin Zenkina, CEO of Manifestation Babe & Award Winning Podcast Host 
But every launch we were at $600,000. We just kept getting stuck every time, no matter what we did. No matter what strategies we implemented, no matter how many people would sign up for our free workshop leading into the launch, it did not matter. It was like, no matter what we just kept hitting the ceiling. 600,000, 600,000, 600,000. And then after I hired Makhosi we did $1.85 million, and then $2.5 million. This was my quantum leap.”
Jennie Ward, Clinical Psychologist & Founder of The Wisdom Portal
I was able to FINALLY reduce my hours, with no fear.

“I've been working on giving myself more space for my offer to come through. This year, I've booked every second week off to see no clients at all to give myself space to work on it. I've been telling all of my clients about my reduced availability which was something that I was really scared about, but it's been going very well. I've hired a new admin, to have more admin support at the office. 

I have been working on building my conviction muscle about my high ticket offer, which Makhosi had suggested. Honestly, that has been going so well. When I first set the price, I thought it was so high, but now I feel like it's a great deal and I have so much conviction about it!
We also doubled our client KPI goals for clients booked and we grossed $72,000 last month, which was the highest grossing month, for total revenue that we've ever had”


to Makhosi’s most impactful pre-recorded courses, designed to elevate every facet of your business and personal life:

Your Quantum Business

(Valued at $5,000)
This transformative 12 module course is designed to revolutionize the way you approach business and entrepreneurship. Harnessing the principles of quantum physics and cutting-edge business strategies, the program equips you with the tools to significantly enhance your business acumen and operational efficiency through the lens of Human Design and . Dive deep into modules that cover everything from energy alignment and mindset shifts to practical business applications that will scale your operations and amplify your market impact. "Your Quantum Business" is not just about achieving higher revenue—it's about elevating your entire entrepreneurial journey to unprecedented heights. 

What do they say about Your Quantum Business? 

Money Maestro

(Valued at $2,222)
This 7 module course is expertly designed to help you master the art of money management and wealth accumulation. Through "Money Maestro," you'll explore innovative financial strategies and tools that empower you to optimize your cash flows, increase your financial stability, and multiply your wealth with precision and confidence. Delve into a curriculum that covers everything from advanced budgeting techniques and investment strategies to understanding the energetic dynamics of money. Whether you're looking to overhaul your financial planning or enhance your investment portfolio, "Money Maestro" provides the insights and guidance necessary to navigate the complexities of personal and business finances with ease and expertise.

What do they say about Money Maestro?

The Energetics of Euphoria Workbook

(Valued at $555)
This workbook is a holistic tool designed for self-exploration, encouraging you to see obstacles as opportunities for growth. Unlike traditional goal-setting methods, this workbook offers a flexible, non-linear approach that allows you to explore various aspects of your life at your own pace. Its primary aim is to foster deep contemplation and integration, helping individuals to uncover and understand the underlying challenges they face

90 Day Immersion 

(Valued at $2,000)
Designed to help entrepreneurs align their business strategies with natural flow, ensuring sustainable growth and financial stability. You will learn to differentiate between lifestyle and growth business models, integrate strategic thinking with intuitive actions, and create a balanced offer mix for consistent revenue.

With practical insights on seasonal business cycles and the creation of a financial safety net, this course provides the tools and frameworks needed to build a thriving, resilient business. 

Abundance Alchemy Challenge 

(Valued at $111)
Unlock Your Most Aligned Prosperity NOW with this 5 day challenge. 

This is your chance to experience the Breakthroughs, Shifts, and New Opportunities that people experienced during these 5 days. Just Like Lucy who said: “This week has been SO transformative for me, I am shifting into new perspectives and seeing new opportunities all around me! Thank you so much Makhosi!”

In this challenge, you will … Get to the Root of Why You Aren't Manifesting Abundance so You Can Unlock Your Dream Life.

Activate Your Intuition

(Valued at $333)
This course is meticulously designed to help you harness and refine your intuitive abilities, which are essential for making strategic decisions in business and life. "Activate Your Intuition" offers practical exercises and insightful teachings that unlock your innate wisdom, allowing you to tap into your subconscious and use it as a powerful guide. Through this program, you will learn how to listen to your inner voice, interpret its signals, and apply this knowledge to create greater alignment and success in your personal and professional endeavors. Elevate your intuitive skills to navigate challenges with greater ease and confidence, ensuring that each decision you make is informed by deep internal insight.

Soul Ascension 101

(Valued at $4,444)
Unlock the full potential of your spiritual growth with "Soul Ascension 101". This profound course is designed to guide you through the intricacies of spiritual development, enhancing your connection to your higher self and the universe. Providing you with a structured pathway to deeper spiritual awareness, offering practical exercises, meditative practices, and transformative teachings that facilitate your personal and spiritual growth. It's a gateway to a more enlightened way of being, both in your personal life and professional endeavors.


This course guides you through advanced concepts and practices that integrate deep spiritual insights with practical life skills. Whether you are seeking to overcome personal barriers, enhance your leadership qualities, or amplify your creative expression, "Transcend" provides the tools you need to achieve extraordinary breakthroughs. You'll learn how to apply these strategies to not only elevate your personal life but also to drive unprecedented success in your business ventures.

What do they say about Transcend?

Spiritual Sales Success Masterclass 

(Valued at $499)

Money Mindset Meditation 

(Valued at $499)
Forever change the way you approach selling. Step into a new paradigm where sales is not just an exchange of goods or services but a transformative and spiritual experience. 
A 60-minute guided mediation led by Makhosi that focuses on conscious forgiveness and releasing attachments that block abundance. 


The Align & Accelerate Academy is more than an education platform; it's an initiation into a new way of living and being. If you're ready to step into a future where success is about more than just money, where it's measured by happiness as much as by bank statements, and where you're empowered to live your fullest, richest life, then the Academy is for you.

It you're ready to pivot, finally lean into the burning desire and idea you have been nurturing and needed a sign that NOW is the time...


Subscribe to the Align & Accelerate Academy today and start living the rich, purpose-driven life you were meant for.



Dr Ashley's Breakthrough: From Despair to a $1.4 Million Opportunity

Imagine feeling like you're at the end of your rope, trapped in a life that seems devoid of meaning and joy, only to have everything change in just 48 hours. This was Dr Ashley's reality before she discovered the Royal Shaman path. "Can you make this up?" she wonders. 

She went from fearing the worst about her life and career to securing a life-changing opportunity that most would deem a dream.

With Makhosi's guidance, Ashley unlocked her full potential, leading her to a staggering $1.4 million per year contract—nearly doubling her annual revenue of $800k from last year. This wasn't just about financial gain;
Dr Ashley, Optometrist & Co-Owner The Eye Guys

it was about reclaiming her freedom, her passion for life, and the ability to enjoy her success on her terms. "Wooo! Now I can travel there one week of every month, not worry about working a second job, and have more free time."

Ashley's story is a testament to what becomes possible when you align with your super conscious self. It's about breaking free from the chains of despair and stepping into a realm of possibilities that seemed unreachable.
Heather, CEO & Owner of Social Fleur, an LA based social media and digital marketing agency. 

Heather’s Transformation: Crafting a Legacy Beyond the Gilded Cage

Before Heather found her way to Makhosi, she was a successful entrepreneur on the brink of burnout. As the founder of a highly successful social media agency in Los Angeles, Heather was working with celebrities and securing high-profile clients with ease. 

Despite her accomplishments, including building a seven-figure business, Heather felt trapped in a "gilded cage" of her own success, yearning for a business model that aligned with her values and lifestyle aspirations.

The transformation began when Heather turned to Makhosi for guidance. Makhosi helped Heather pivot
from a draining service model to a fulfilling strategic consultancy, focusing on her passion for brand strategy and storytelling. This pivotal change allowed Heather to significantly reduce her client load, focusing on deep, impactful work rather than volume.

Reflecting on her transformation, Heather shared, "Working with Makhosi was a game-changer. She didn't just help me change my business model; she helped me rediscover my passion and align my work with my true self."

Purpose and Prosperity
Impact and Income
Significance and Success
Fulfillment and Freedom
Alignment and Abundance
Love and Luxury

Purpose and Profit
Impact and Income
Significance and Success
Fulfillment and Freedom
Alignment and Abundance
Love and Luxury


To work privately with Makhosi 1:1 STARTS at $5k/hr, or to join one of our intimate containers the investment is mid 5 figures+.

 We heard the call and we had so many people each and every launch reach out and say they so badly wanted to work with us, but couldn't afford the investment, so we wanted to make The Align & Accelerate Academy accessible to all, as wealth and mindset frequency is something The Royal Shaman is incredibly passionate about.


No lock in contract. Cancel at any time with 30 days notice. 


How do I know if this is the right investment for me? 
Consider this an investment in your personal and professional growth. If you're ready to transcend limitations, rewrite your destiny, and step into a life of abundance, the academy is tailor-made for you. With practical strategies to elevate your consciousness and manifest a reality that aligns with your deepest desires, the return on investment extends far beyond the material, impacting every aspect of your personal and professional well-being. Plus there is a no lock in contract. Cancel at any time with 30 days notice.
I'm worried I won't have enough time to dedicate to the Academy. 
We understand that time is a precious commodity, especially for high achievers like you. That's why the Academy is designed to deliver maximum value on an "at your own pace" structure. Watch and consume when and wherever you like!
Is this program suitable for beginners in personal development and spirituality?
The Academy is designed for people who have prior experience in inner growth work. You do not need to be an expert. 
Will there be networking opportunities with other participants?
Yes, there will be a dedicated and private community platform for all members who subscribe to the Academy! Engage in discussions, share insights, and build connections throughout the event.


How do I know if this is the right investment for me? 
Consider this an investment in your personal and professional growth. If you're ready to transcend limitations, rewrite your destiny, and step into a life of abundance, the university is tailor-made for you. With practical strategies to elevate your consciousness and manifest a reality that aligns with your deepest desires, the return on investment extends far beyond the material, impacting every aspect of your personal and professional well-being. Plus there is a no lock in contract. Cancel at any time with 30 days notice.
I'm worried I won't have enough time to dedicate to the Academy. 
We understand that time is a precious commodity, especially for high achievers like you. That's why the Academy is designed to deliver maximum value on an "at your own pace" structure. Watch and consume when and wherever you like!
Is this program suitable for beginners in personal development and spirituality?
The Academy is designed for people who have prior experience in inner growth work. You do not need to be an expert. 
Will there be networking opportunities with other participants?
Yes, there will be a dedicated and private community platform for all members who subscribe to the University! Engage in discussions, share insights, and build connections throughout the event.
No lock in contract. Cancel any time with 30 days notice.
No lock in contract. Cancel any time with 30 days notice.



Item Price
$285 every month
I confirm I have read and agree to the Terms and Conditions.
Please be aware that we do not offer refunds for any enrollments at the Align & Accelerate Academy. As a subscriber, you commit to the full payment of the fee agreed upon at the time of your purchase, irrespective of your participation level, program completion within the designated timeframe, or overall use of the resources provided.

If you decide that the academy is not the right fit for your needs, you may cancel your subscription with a 30-day notice prior to your next billing cycle. Failure to honor the payment agreement, including disputing a scheduled payment, is considered a breach of contract and will result in immediate termination of your access to all programs. Additionally, this will lead to the forfeiture of eligibility for future participation in any programs and removal from the Royal Shaman community.
Embark on a transformative journey where you align your business with your true purpose and calling, and accelerate your success through strategic, actionable insights and resources. This academy is designed to help you find clarity, cultivate a growth mindset, and implement proven strategies that propel your business forward, ensuring you achieve your goals with confidence and ease.

Receive immediate and on demand access to Makhosi's most potent pre-recorded work including:
  • Your Quantum Business (valued at $5,000)
  • Money Maestro (valued at $2,222)
  • Soul Ascension 101 (valued at $4,000)
  • 90 Day Immersion (valued at $2,000)
  • ​And many more!!!
  • ​Pivot with ease with Makhosi's guidance and insights 
  • ​Join a private community of high-achievers committed to becoming the creators of their reality and living soul-fulfilling lives aligned with their higher purpose.
  • ​No lock in contract. Cancel any time with 30 days notice.

All that you desire is only one decision away outside of your comfort zone.  
COPYRIGHT © 2021 Makhosi The Royal Shaman | Privacy Policy | Terms & Conditions